Thursday, August 27, 2009

Does Ted Kennedy Have a Right to a Catholic Funeral?

Interesting. Linked is an article, claimed to be based on canon law, which argues in favor of it, albeit with a large dosage of Pepto Bismol. Do not speak ill of the dead, but for crying out loud, the faster we move on, the better.
Most of Teddy Kennedy's politics, and most of whatever parts of his personal life I knew through the media, angered and sometimes even disgusted me. But my opinions about Teddy's legacy are not at issue in assessing his right to a Catholic funeral under canon law. I trust that my writings on the proper understanding and correct application of 1983 CIC 1184 (the canon regulating the funeral rites to be accorded - - or not, as the case may be - - to Catholics) are reasonably well-known to readers of this blog.

Hat tip to Insight Scoop.

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